Despite easily being his most religious album, U Saved Me doesn't have any gospel songs like his self titled album had multiple of. Thankfully, Kelly's voice can hold a track no matter how dull the song may be story-wise or instrumentally. The plot goes as follows: Kelly is feeling bad, his sister calls, she tells him God can help, she calls a friend from prayer, they all sing Kumbayah. The U Saved Me side starts with "3-Way Phone Call" and as good as the singing is, it's pretty cheesy. If you've heard his previous album, Chocolate Factory, or have heard the hit from it "Step In The Name Of Love," this album is basically that stretched across an eleven track album and it is perfect. Kelly actually produced the whole album and wrote the lyrics by himself like the rest of his albums. Even with this, the album never gets repetitive due to Kelly's vibrant production and soulful singing. The Happy People side starts off with the short but oh-so-sweet "Weatherman" and if you dislike this song for its rhythm or positivity, you're kind of out of luck as the rest of the first disc is just like it. The second disc however, is almost completely comprised of slow, religiously themed R&B cuts that might put off some people with all the God loving - and might throw off people based on his legal history - but even as a non-religious person myself, I do get a sense of joy while listening to the U Saved Me side and that's the whole point of the album to make you feel good.
See, the first disc is full of upbeat songs about love, happiness, and just all things positive with many of the instrumentals having light bass lines, horns, and flutes. What Happy People was "designed" for as Kelly says on one of the tracks is to just "make you feel good" and it succeeds on both discs despite the stark contrast in style between the two. Kelly's got your back through the process. Whether or not you do - or even know what it is - R.
Kelly made an album called Loveland, but that got stolen in the studio.Do you know how to step? No, I'm not talking about walking, the dance. “Marry Me” - ended up on Chocolate Factory under the name “Forever”) 11 “You Bring Me Joy” (as yet unreleased, a soulful bedroom ballad) 12 “Make You My Baby” (track given to Joe and appeared on his 2003 album And Then) 13 “Come to Daddy” (originally part of the BOBW tracklisting, unknown if this would have been on Loveland) 14 “Kiss You In Those Places” ( still unreleased, but appeared on original TP-3: Reloaded tracklisting, but not final album) 15 “More and More” (track given to Joe, was a single, and appeared on his 2003 album And Then) As u all know R. 1 R&B hit) 08 “Love For Me” (renamed “Far More” and was available on the bonus Loveland CD with the first pressings of Chocolate Factory) 09 “Somethings Never Change” (as yet unreleased, a very 1970s Stevie Wonder-like track) 10 “Forever And Ever” (a.k.a. 01 “Spirit” (ended up on Happy People/U Saved Me) 02 “All I” (as yet unreleased, but sampled by Mannie Fresh on his 2004 track “Lady, Lady”) 03 “Leap of Faith” (ended up on Happy People/U Saved Me) 04 “Make Me” (ended up on Chocolate Factory under the name “You Knock Me Out”) 05 “Fly” (extended opera influenced version of “I Believe I Can Fly” as used on the TP-2 Tour) 06 “The World’s Greatest” (was already released on the Ali OST) 07 “(Step) In The Name Of Love” (ended up on Chocolate Factory in both original mix and remix, which was a No.